Productivity Coaching

Productivity Coaching

Procrastination can lead to…

As a productivity coach, I try to find organizing and productivity holidays to call our attention to. National Procrastination Week was last week. Guess I’m a little late to celebrate. Ha ha!In the spirit of procrastination, I decided to wait until the last minute to write this blog post. I usually write my productivity coaching blogs ahead of time and schedule them a few weeks out. But this time, I decided to fly by the seat of my pants. I figured I’d write it on the go, then post upon returning to my office, and take it live instantly. And it didn’t go as smoothly as I’d planned.

Productivity Coaching Whenever I meet with my business owner clients for productivity coaching sessions, we discuss ways to schedule their priorities, manage their “to do” lists, and locate a place to store those “great ideas” they come up with for their business.Too many times, we entrepreneurs...

Valentines-Day-Time-ManagementValentine’s Day is tomorrow. Commercials around this time of year focus on encouraging you to show your love to family members by buying stuff for your loved ones. Purchase this for your husband. Order that for your wife. Get your kids these xyz thingies. All of this equates to more stuff to add to what you already have. More stuff you now need to take care of. What if, instead of giving stuff, you give

Professional Organizer - Let the Organizing Begin! A number of folks often lament to me that they can never find time to complete organizing projects. For all of you football fans out there who feel this way, you’re in luck! Football season is over. Football Savings...

[caption id="attachment_3345" align="aligncenter" width="300"]new years resolutions - time management strategies New Year's Resolutions[/caption]It’s January 2nd! How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along? If you didn’t read my blog post about choosing New Year’s Resolutions that continued on your success from the previous year, please read that here. If you decided to choose “must-continues” for your New Year’s resolutions, how does it