[caption id="attachment_3553" align="alignright" width="300"]declutter - organize your stuff Declutter - How to get organized[/caption]I recently heard from a friend who’s an uber-busy entrepreneur:“I have really been trying to get a handle on all of the items in my home. I've been purging ... for years and have most of my things down to a manageable level ... It's all the crap (excuse my language) that I am left with. Things I have sorted, organized, placed in piles and now have no place for them to go. They aren't 100% relevant to our lives but aren't ready to leave just yet either. Couple this with temporary clutter and well, I am overwhelmed. I don't know what I want/need you to do here ... I guess I mainly just needed to vent.”At her suggestion, I’m answering her declutter question here:

How to Get Organized for New Year's Resolutions - San Antonio LivingTime Management Strategies: It's always a great goal to implement time management strategies whenever possible, but especially at the start of a new year when you're trying to accomplish New Year's resolutions.Instead of a text-only...

Road Map to Get Organized - Discover Your Thinking Learning and Working Styles to Get Your Life Back on Track

Do You Need A Road Map To Get Organized?

Folks who call or email our Living Order San Antonio office to get organizing help often lament that they have tried everything  they could think of to get organized. They bought color coded file folders.  They purchased the latest and greatest containers they saw in an ad. They have baskets everywhere. They even have a top-of-the-line label maker. But they’re still not organized! They’re stressed out, and they never have enough time to finish their endless to-do lists!I completely understand their frustration. Everything looks so

[caption id="attachment_820" align="alignright" width="300"]Dough Pizzeria - Still crowded even though they take days off. Dough Pizzeria - Still crowded even though they take days off. Photo by Helene Segura[/caption]Every year, a particular person – we’ll call him B -  and I celebrate his birthday by playing hooky from work. He only uses one sick day per year, and it’s for this day. Since he works for “the man,” it is officially called a Mental Health Day. I work for myself, so I call it what it is – hooky. It’s a day to cut loose, have fun and rejuvenate the body and mind. Wait,that is a mental health day!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]English: Assortment of cable ties Assortment of cable ties (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]I was recently asked by a reporter for some cord wrangling tips, so I thought I'd share my answer here.All hail Blue Tooth and USB! Go wireless when possible. If cords do need to be corralled, bundle the “leftover” length behind the desk for a clean look. Use Velcro cable ties or cable clips for this. At the plug end, place