Folks who call or email our LivingOrderSA office to get organizing help often lament that they’ve tried everything they could think of to get organized. They bought color coded file folders.  They purchased the latest and greatest containers they saw in an ad. They have baskets everywhere. They even have a top-of-the-line label maker. But they’re still not organized! They’re stressed out, and they never have

Road Map to Get Organized - Discover Your Thinking Learning and Working Styles to Get Your Life Back on Track

Do You Need A Road Map To Get Organized?

Folks who call or email our Living Order San Antonio office to get organizing help often lament that they have tried everything  they could think of to get organized. They bought color coded file folders.  They purchased the latest and greatest containers they saw in an ad. They have baskets everywhere. They even have a top-of-the-line label maker. But they’re still not organized! They’re stressed out, and they never have enough time to finish their endless to-do lists!I completely understand their frustration. Everything looks so

[caption id="attachment_768" align="alignright" width="300"]ING Kids Rock - sponsored by San Antonio Sports Foundation ING Kids Rock - sponsored by San Antonio Sports Foundation (image used with permission)[/caption]A lot of folks just dive into a big project without giving it much thought, so they soon find themselves a bit lost. After spinning a little while longer and not feeling like they’re getting anywhere, OVERWHELM sets in. Once good ol’ Overwhelm enters the picture, the brain begins to shut down, decisions can’t be made, and