Productivity Coaching Whenever I meet with my business owner clients for productivity coaching sessions, we discuss ways to schedule their priorities, manage their “to do” lists, and locate a place to store those “great ideas” they come up with for their business.Too many times, we entrepreneurs...

document-paperwork-will-attorneyWhen I turned on the radio this morning, I was shocked to find out that the lead host of the show I’ve listened to on my morning commute for the last eight years passed away over the weekend. Kidd Kraddick was only 53. Listening on the drive this morning, the question was asked, “What happens now?”

entrepreneur-time-managementCertified Professional Organizer ®

It’s a tough question small business owners need to ask themselves. But it must be asked.As a Certified Professional Organizer®, a large portion of my productivity coaching client base is entrepreneurs.

The Top Three Reasons They Started Their Own Businesses

Great news for those of you in search of a Free Shred Day in San Antonio - GO Month (Get Organized Month) Event 2013Goodwill - declutter, donate, change livesAn organization called NAPO San Antonio will hold its 3rd Annual Clear Your Clutter Day and free shred event on Saturday, January 12, 2013, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. at the Goodwill at 281 & BittersHere's their information:Free SHREDDING!
  • 1st letter size box is FREE!
  • Additional letter size box: $5
  • Additional legal size box: $8
 Don’t Miss Your Chance – Drop off for FREE:

[caption id="attachment_820" align="alignright" width="300"]Dough Pizzeria - Still crowded even though they take days off. Dough Pizzeria - Still crowded even though they take days off. Photo by Helene Segura[/caption]Every year, a particular person – we’ll call him B -  and I celebrate his birthday by playing hooky from work. He only uses one sick day per year, and it’s for this day. Since he works for “the man,” it is officially called a Mental Health Day. I work for myself, so I call it what it is – hooky. It’s a day to cut loose, have fun and rejuvenate the body and mind. Wait,that is a mental health day!