[caption id="" align="alignright" width="173"] Junk Tower (Photo credit: sigma.)[/caption]Junk YardNo Man’s LandDisaster ZoneThe Pit of DespairThe Black HoleDumping GroundJunk RoomIt's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whatever you call it is what it will be.So if you’ve given your spare room a name which has a negative connotation,...

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="213"]Brain scanning technology is quickly approachi... (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]I have an important rule about multi-tasking: Don’t do it with high brain function activities. I tell my clients this over and over and over. I drive home that point because multi-tasking can end up costing more time in the end or causing you to complete a project in a less than stellar fashion because you were not fully focused on it.So, what do I mean about multi-tasking high brain function activities? You shouldn’t do two things at once which require thought or concentration. Examples:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by tpeñalver - www.tomaspenalver.es via Flickr"][/caption]For years I’ve been asked if I write a blog.“No,” say I.“Why not?” asks interrogator.“Cuz,” say I.Ooo.  How profound.In truth, it’s because I wouldn’t make enough time for it. I was also concerned about making...