There’s no time like the present, as the saying goes.The hubbub about spring cleaning may be dying down, but it’s never too late to get organized! During the month of March, there’s usually a big focus on spring cleaning. That’s why there are so many ads for cleaners, organizing equipment, containers and linens. Just because March is over doesn’t mean that the urge to get organized and stay organized should fall by the wayside! April is a great time to

[caption id="attachment_3807" align="aligncenter" width="300"]5 simple organization tips to get you organized 5 simple organization tips to get organized[/caption]

"Get organized in the new year!"

That’s what a lot of people thought when January rolled around. But how did those New Year’s resolutions turn out?It’s hard to believe that the end of January is here already! It’s time to reassess what we said we’d do, and get back on the organizing wagon if we’ve fallen off.Here are my 5 simple steps

[caption id="attachment_3668" align="alignleft" width="150"]help-family-get-organized-help-adult-children-organize-home How can I help my adult children get organized?[/caption]While working with one of my business owner clients in her office, she expressed frustration in trying to help her kids. Here is the question she posed to me: “Any tips on influencing my adult kids to get organized? They live far from me, and when I visit them, I am always working to help them. I don't want to interfere too much, but

[caption id="attachment_513" align="alignright" width="300"]Enjoying the view of Machu Picchu in Peru. Photo by Helene Segura. Enjoying the view of Machu Picchu in Peru. Photo by Helene Segura.[/caption]Peru is an amazing country full of contradictions. It is very poor, with shanty towns dotting the landscape and education out of reach for many. Yet it is rich in history and most famous for Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines. It is a glorious place to visit, especially if you’re prepared. So, here are my top three survival tips for Peru.