How Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Affect Your Time Management Strategies

time management strategies

Do your New Year’s Resolutions affect your time management strategies?

Time Management Strategies – How Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Affect This

I get daily requests for time management strategies and for tips on how to increase productivity. One big event each year tends to actually hinder our progress with time management strategies. What’s that event?

New Year’s Resolutions.


That’s right… New Year’s Resolutions.

It’s such a joyful time right now. Mostly. When you look past the holiday frenzy of shopping, sending cards, attending parties, and all of the other activities that tend to happen during December, you kick back on Christmas day thinking, “This is nice and relaxing.”

Then comes the day after Christmas, December 26th. Sales! SALES! S A L E S! Aack! It’s back to the frenzy.

And then comes the day after the day after Christmas, December 27th. The joy of Christmas has been wiped from your mind. People start asking you, “What are your New Year’s resolutions?”

It’s funny how that question causes us to look at our negatives instead of our positives. The first thoughts that come to mind are often something like…

I need to lose weight.

I need to spend more time with my family.

I need to stop smoking.

I need to exercise more.

I need to get more organized.

But what about the things you’ve been successful at during the past year?

What did you finish?

What were your big accomplishments?

What did you do right?

What do you need to keep doing?

Instead of focusing on what you lack, what if your New Year’s Resolutions were to continue focusing on your successes?

I will continue to not be controlled by my smartphone.

I will continue to clear out my clutter quarterly and donate it to Goodwill.

I will continue to have date night with my husband every Saturday.

By focusing on what we’re good at, we can transfer the skills we used to be successful in those areas to other areas we wish to improve. This is how to increase productivity and improve our time management strategies. Instead of blindly reaching for a goal we’re not sure how to achieve, then failing, then getting depressed, then getting distracted and not completing other tasks, we should concentrate on our strengths. Then build on those to make those other improvements at any time of the year.

What will your Top 3 must-continues be?

For more information on Time Management Strategies and hiring a Certified Professional Organizer visit us at

About Helene Segura

Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit

1 Comment
  • Shenoi
    Posted at 10:07h, 05 May

    Time management is a lifetsyle habit that should be practiced every hour, every day, all the days of our life. All of us have the same amount of time the only challenge is using it effectively. Time management problems often start from poor work habits and therefore, we need to analyze how we spend our time.

    For effective time management, I prefer using Replicon’s time recording application ( ). It has served me well for years and so I would love to recommend this to everybody that is reading this post.

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