Daylight Saving Time: What delayed promise will you keep?

Time change at the end of Daylight Saving Time

Image via Wikipedia

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday morning. Normally when something with the word “Saving” comes to end, it’s sad. In this case, it should be joyous because we’ll gain back one whole hour!

In my time management coaching sessions with my clients, we spend time discussing priorities and which ones need to be fit in during the finite amount of time that we’re allotted during the day. When November rolls around, and we pick up an extra hour, I usually ask folks what they’ll do with their extra time. Catch up on____ ? Finally complete the _____ they’ve been working on?

This year is a little different.

When we left our friends’ house after the Kentucky Derby back in May, we said, “We need to have a foodie dinner party!”

“Just let us know when!” was the excited response.

We kept waiting for the perfect time. They were going on vacation. We had packed weekends. Should it be grand or simple? We needed to pick the right dish. We went on vacation. They were busy. We were busy. Next month. Next month. There was always a reason why it wasn’t the right time.

And now it’s too late. He passed away last week. We never had that get together with them. We took for granted that a weekend would open up and that we’d have the perfect foodie/wineaux couples evening.

My friend Damon Jacobs, a licensed marriage family therapist in NYC, wrote a book called Absolutely Should-less. We utter so many “shoulds” in life – “I should do this.” “I should have done that.” Some of the shoulds are wishful thinking… “I should skydive!” “I should climb Mt. Everest!” But some shoulds are meaningful…and very do-able.

This weekend, I encourage you to be Should-less. Pick a promise that you’ve been putting off and do it. How will you use your extra hour?

About Helene Segura

Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit

  • Denise Sample
    Posted at 08:50h, 05 November

    That is a very sobering thought. Too often I think I have much more time than I do – in a day, a week, or this lifetime. Thanks for the great reminder not to put off what we can do today.

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend.

    – Denise

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