
What’s happened to the LivingOrderSA blog? (Hint: time management is involved)


Since I’ve had a few people ask me about where my LivingOrderSA blog posts have gone, I thought I’d pop in here and post about that.

If you subscribe to my e-newsletter, you might have noticed that over the last 18 months, I’ve been nurturing my blog over on my time management keynote speaker website, Most folks know that I’m extremely passionate about time. The more organized we are, the more time we’ll have. The more time we have, the more at peace we’ll be.

If you are interested in following my blogs over there, feel free to sign up on any of those blog pages. If you’re signed up for my e-newsletter, you already get the blog updates in the newsletter. Either way, you’ll also be kept up to date on the release of my third bookThe Inefficiency Assassin: 30 Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer (New World Library 2016).

I’ve recently started a 30-week series called Time Management Revolution. It’s a triple-hitter with a written blog, video, and audio podcast. No matter what your learning style is, you’re sure to pick up a time management tip!

You can also pick up tips from my media interviews with journalists who are searching for time management tools for their audiences.

Since I still work one-on-one with many clients in San Antonio as a Certified Professional Organizer, I’m leaving my LivingOrderSA website up and running. In fact – speaking of running – I’m running a nominating campaign for San Antonio non-profits that would like to win my productivity consultant services (that’s right, pro-bono!) in 2016. If you’d like to nominate a San Antonio charity, please do so here.

Just for kicks, I’ll leave you with a movie trailer that was created to promote my time management keynotes and workshops. Feel free to share this with friends and family. If you attend conferences, feel free to share the video with the conference planners.

How much money is your company losing? – time management keynote speaker Helene Segura – movie trailer from Helene Segura on Vimeo.


Wishing you efficiency and peace….

About Helene Segura

Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit

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