[caption id="attachment_3745" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Spring organizing projects - Cut the clutter so you can enjoy your kitchen Spring organizing projects - Declutter so you can enjoy your home...and life![/caption]Last Saturday I met a gentleman named Brandon.  His smile and friendly personality completely brightened up my morning.  He proudly talked about how his older son was on the honor roll at his elementary school and his toddler was showing signs of being a future genius.We got to talking about his career goals.  His family was full of

Goodwill Declutter + Donate = Change Lives!I’ve been a supporter of Goodwill for many years because I knew that the profits from what they sold in their stores benefitted those who were in need. But it wasn’t until I partnered up with Goodwill San Antonio three years ago that I learned just how much they did for the community.Their mission statement is: Goodwill changes lives through the power of work.And boy do they change lives. Check out their 2012 Impact Report! My goodness! Did you know