19 Nov Got items to donate or sell?

Owners manuals. They come in all shapes and sizes. And they come with just about everything you buy. So what exactly do you do with them? Toss them? Store them?[caption id="" align="alignright" width="191"] Spartus Vanguard Manual 1 (Photo credit: camerawiki)manuals. They come in all shapes...
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Home (Photo credit: hankword)"][/caption]I was recently asked by a magazine editor to give the following information: “What are five tips to help busy moms declutter, organize, and beautify their homes in less than an hour?”Part of what I do with clients...
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="260" caption="Image via Wikipedia"][/caption]Space is finite, so anyone who lives in a small space has some tough choices to make about how many belongings they can own. Whether you're living temporarily in a 10' x 10' dorm room or living permanently in...
Organizing for the New Year on Daytime @ Nine on KABB Fox 29 A lot of people make some pretty ambitious New Year’s resolutions:Lose weightGet organizedStop smokingThose are wonderful goals, and everyone knows all of that is good for our health and well-being, so why do...