Many folks need resources outside of organizing consulting or productivity coaching. Our clients have access to our complete list of resources.
Here are a few to get you started:
Cleaning Services
Tony Likins
Dale Masters
Adam Reissner
CertaPro Painters
Patrick Sawyer
Your Neighborhoodz
franchise: http://www.
Rubbish Removal
Services for Seniors – click here
Shredding – click here
Where to take your clutter – click here
Feel free to search Helene’s blog for other helpful hints.
For a complete list of resources, we gladly invite you to become our client.
Please note that we do not own or work for any of the companies listed on this page. While we would only post companies that have done excellent work with our clients, you should exercise your own due diligence and research any company you’re considering using.
If you were given this link because you do not wish to have consulting or coaching (you’d prefer a team move-in or you don’t want to be involved in the process), here are some professional organizers in the San Antonio area who might be able to help you:
Vanessa Hayes, Certified Professional Organizer®
Joan Kearl, Certified Professional Organizer® jkearl “at”