17 Oct + National Secure Your Identity Day – Prevent Identity Theft
Prevent Identity Theft
October 19 is National Secure Your Identity Day.
It’s important to deal with your paper trail and belongings now so that you don’t waste time and money later in fighting fraud committed in your name. According to Javelin Strategy and Research, in 2008 43% of the incidents stemmed from lost or stolen wallets and purses, 3% from theft of mail, 19% while conducting a transaction, and 13% from people with access to the victims’ homes. In 2011, nearly 12 million Americans had to deal with this type of fraud. To help prevent identity theft from happening to you, consider doing the following:
*Set up a system to properly deal with mail and trash such as credit card applications, blank check offers, and papers with your license or social security number.
*Check your financial accounts and credit reports on a regular basis.
*Do not enter passwords and credit card numbers while using a non-secure wireless network.
*Password protect your phone, laptop and other devices that might fall into the wrong hands.
*Don’t give out personal information while chatting in public on a cell phone.
Bottom line: Stay on top of your belongings, paper, and accounts, and mind what kind of information you give out in public.
For more tips, here’s an article about the increase identity theft. If you have a smartphone, you’ll definitely want to read it!
What do you do to protect yourself from identity theft?

About Helene Segura
Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit https://www.HeleneSegura.com
James Robinson
Posted at 09:04h, 18 OctoberFortunately, I haven’t been a victim of identity theft before. Scary!
Helene Segura
Posted at 06:20h, 21 OctoberIt is scary. Hope you stay fortunate!! 🙂
Susie Lampman
Posted at 01:29h, 23 Octoberbetter safe than sorry, yes?
Helene Segura
Posted at 06:11h, 23 OctoberOh, most definitely yes! Better safe than sorry…