19 Sep How can I be organized at times and completely disorganized at others?
How can I be organized at times and completely disorganized at others?
I have a lot of clients who feel this way. They have completely organized days where everything goes smoothly. But on some days, nothing goes right. And then they start feeling frustrated and upset about being disorganized, which can send them in a downward spiral. The danger occurs when we let this spiral continue unchecked.
Everyone can experience these feelings on bad days. The key is to acknowledge that you have those feelings, then do something to get rid of them so that you don’t dwell for so long in the negative.
How can I be organized at times and completely disorganized at others?
Why can I be organized, but I’m not always able to stay this way?
Such is life.
We ebb and flow. Crap happens. We have highs. We have lows. We can get into a groove, then something (good or bad) can knock us out of a routine or out of normalcy. We need to accept it, then move on to take those forward steps again.
We need to focus on the positive and get back on track. The faster you can get back on track, the less digging out you’ll have to do.
A couple of weeks ago, we suffered the double loss of our Deus and Georgie within a one week period. Needless to say, we were pretty brain dead and did not think straight for several days. We didn’t feel like cooking. We didn’t feel like doing dishes. We didn’t feel like cleaning. We didn’t feel like sorting the mail. We didn’t feel like doing a darn thing because we’d used up all of our energy to function at work and came home completely depleted.
I had to give myself my own advice:
We ebb and flow. Crap happens. We have highs. We have lows. We can get into a groove, then something (good or bad) can knock us out of a routine or out of normalcy. We need to accept it, then move on to get back on track.
I accepted. I grieved. Then I pulled my boot straps up and transitioned back into my normalcy.
It’s OK to get upset when things don’t go right and you feel disorganized. But stop beating yourself up as soon as possible, and get back into your groove. Feeling bad is exhausting. You’ll feel so much better – and your energy will return – when you find that groove again.
You can do it!

About Helene Segura
Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit https://www.HeleneSegura.com
James Robinson
Posted at 10:01h, 24 SeptemberI call that my “low days.” And it sucks.