05 Dec Holiday Organizing: How to Create Space for Your Loot
It’s that time of year!
Hanukkah started last week, and Christmas and Kwanzaa are just around the corner. It’s the season of giving…and receiving. And because we are blessed and receive so much, we often end up not enjoying the abundance because gifts get shoved into a back corner to get them out of the way, or buried under a pile of stuff – and we forget we even have those things.
To help get ready to receive so many wonderful gifts, consider preparing your home by doing the following holiday organizing:
Round 1
Grab a trash bag and walk through each room. Throw away everything that is broken, stained or no longer usable.
Round 2
Grab another trash bag or a box and walk through each room. It’s time to part with what you no longer love, need or use. Bless someone else by donating these objects. If you donate them to Goodwill, you’ll be helping to fund educational programs in the community. (Click here for details.)
Round 3
Put like items with like items so you can see your true inventory. Since we tend to receive clothes (adults) and toys (kids), you can focus on these two areas since you probably won’t have time to do this to your entire house. Put all of your sweaters together. Put all of your pants together, etc. Have your kids gather up all of their action figures. Gather up all of the board games, and so on. Once you see all of what you have, it might be easier to part with even more.
Round 4
Create additional space by looking through your clothing and toy categories and donating duplicates or any overflow.
May you enjoy the blessings of the holiday season!
Holiday Organizing: How to Create Space for Your Loot
About Helene Segura
Helene Segura teaches go-getters how to use their time more efficiently in order to have a more peaceful life. For details about her, be sure to visit https://www.HeleneSegura.com
Melissa D
Posted at 16:26h, 06 DecemberGreat ideas. I love the “walk around a room” direction the best…I tend to get WAY too involved in a declutter and end up with a bigger project than I intend.
Helene Segura
Posted at 17:15h, 06 DecemberThanks so much for stopping by! I’m glad the reminder helped. There’s not a lot of time to get bogged down in one room right now. Keep on scootin’ through the house!
Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting
Posted at 22:26h, 06 DecemberGosh, I love you. Great tips!! I need you in my life! 🙂
Helene Segura
Posted at 10:29h, 07 DecemberAw, shucks. <> Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. Hope you and your family have a fabulous holiday season!