[caption id="attachment_3723" align="alignleft" width="257"] National Preparedness Month - How ready are you?[/caption]Have you been hearing the radio commercials about preparing for emergencies? September is National Preparedness Month, which was started by the Department of Homeland Security. Their motto is Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed. For important details...

[caption id="attachment_2650" align="alignleft" width="194"]get-organized-for-back-to-school-back to schoolback-to-school-organzing-tips-school-bus Get organized for back to school[/caption]Going back to school is a big transition in the year, so it's important to get organized for back to school. Kids go from playing (or sleeping) all day to needing to think, be active, and pay attention for an entire school day. Adults go from making sure the kids stay safe yet out of their hair to a frenzy of keeping tracking of activities, practices, school events, tests, performances, chauffer schedules…and the list goes on.For some quick time-saving tips to help you get organized for back to school, watch this segment from

National-Purposeful-Parenting-Month-process-school-year-homeworkDid you know that July is National Purposeful Parenting Month? That means there’s still time to do something purposeful! (As if you haven’t been!!)There are tons of ways you can be a purposeful parent, but since I’m task-oriented and the new school year is just around the corner, I thought I’d throw this suggestion out to you if you were in the mood to

medicine-bottle-disposal-national-take-back-dayHow to Safely Dispose of Medicine

 I get a number of requests from clients for information about how to properly dispose of medicine bottles and medications. Now if you’re saying to yourself, “Just dump the stuff in the trash,” you might want to read this brief overview of the issues related to that so-called quick fix (as well as a list of possible solutions): read here Our greatest challenge in San Antonio is that